


As the weekend rushes towards us, issue 5 of SCUBA as already started to reach the UK diving scene. Featuring all the latest diving news, travel and kit, issue 5 includes a fantastic report on diving the Sea Lochs of Scotland. If you are in the market for a drysuit, then don't miss the authoritative Kitted-up section where SCUBA tests six membrane drysuits.
Grab your copy today!
Write for SCUBA? Yes you can! After all, it's your magazine. Whether you've got an idea for a full blown article or you simply want to tell us what your club is up to, SCUBA can help. We have just added a handy contributor's guide for those thinking of writing for SCUBA and it lives on the Contribute page. If you can't wait to get typing, you can download the file by clicking here. We can't wait to hear your ideas!
Issue four of SCUBA is currently in production and features a fantastic photography section. The SCUBA team has assembled a panel of photo experts who are on hand to offer advice to help you get the best out of your underwater photography. It is going to be a great feature and I hope you will all find it valuable reading. Issue four of SCUBA will be hitting the streets around the middle of February.

SCUBA issue three is out now and there is a fantastic 2012 Travel Planner profiling all the best diving destinations to help you plan your next expedition.

If you are a club on a budget or planning that once in a lifetime holiday, don't miss this must-read feature.
2012: The world awaits...
To make sure you always receive your copy of SCUBA, why not join BSAC? or alternatively, subscribe to the UK's best club diving magazine.

The launch issue of SCUBA is out now! BSAC Members will shortly be receiving their copies and it will also be available on the news stand. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we have enjoyed putting it together. Please use the Contact page to send us your feedback or story ideas. Roll on issue 2!


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